Soul: Seasons
"For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven" - Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
It wasn't until recently that the meaning of the verse became real to me. If you've been around the church long enough, or even seen inspirational home decor, I am sure you've seen this verse before, but have you ever really stopped to contemplate what it means for your life?
I have had the great privilege of spending my summer in Western Massachusetts. The weather has been amazing, there are so many different varieties of plants and flowers, and I have really developed an appreciation for nature. One of the crazy things about nature that I find fascinating is that it is constantly changing.
As a native Houstonian the seasons are essentially summer, summer, pretend winter, and summer. Unfortunately there really is no distinction between the seasons. The leaves don't change, and oftentimes the only indication that fall is coming is the Pumpkin Spice EVERYTHING that suddenly appears on coffee shop menus an in stores everywhere. But in New England, there is evidence EVERYWHERE that fall is coming.
I was driving to work last week and I noticed that some of the trees are not as green as they used to be. They are starting to become a light almost yellow-green. Others have already turned orange, and some have even dropped their leaves to the ground. The grass isn't as green, and there is a different feel to the wind. The anticipation of fall is in the air.
It's beautiful, because no matter how hot summer can be, how wet and rainy the season is, fall always comes. The seasons always change without fail. As I was pondering this phenomenon today, I was reminded of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.
"For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven."
Never has this verse been more real to me than this year. 2018 has been a year of incredible change. I graduated from university, started my first "career" job, and moved across the country to live in a town where I did not know anyone. It has been scary, stressful, but extremely exciting.
It took 7 years to complete my bachelor's degree, because I changed my major several times. I finally landed on the right one, but it required 4 full years of additional study, which added 3 more years to the usual/normal 4 years it takes to get a bachelor's. It was extremely frustrating. It was period of my life that was filled with turmoil. I was entering a 4 year program with 18 year olds at the age of 21. I was watching my friends graduate and start their careers, or get married, or have children. I felt like everyone around me was doing forward and I was stuck in this holding pattern.
Perhaps the most frustrating thing of all was dealing with people's expectations, and the shame I felt when people would find out that I was 22, 23, and 24, and still living at home, and not working. It was a period of emotional breakdowns, extreme stress, anxiety, and struggle. And I clearly remember asking God, why. Why is this happening? Why am I still in this phase of life? Why is this season lasting so much longer for me, than it does for everyone else. It was a tough time for me, and I was not in a great spot emotionally.
In fact, I was so unhappy and frustrated that it deprived me of my joy, and really affected my relationship with Christ, my family, and others. For 4 years I was in a really rough place spiritually. I had no desire to be an active participant in my relationship with Christ. I knew that I should, I felt incredibly guilty, but I couldn't seem to pull myself out of the funk that I was in.
Then God forced the issue. He moved me across the country. It was abundantly clear that it was his will for me to be in Massachusetts this summer, which I didn't mind because I have always wanted to travel and see different parts of the world. But little did I know, that he was going to use this summer to change my life. Little did I know that this move, was the changing of my season. Not only because I was finally leaving the season of education, but I was finally leaving the season of spiritual struggle.
This move really brought me closer to the Lord, and forced me to rely on him to meet my needs physically, financially, emotionally, and spiritually. I have never felt the presence of the Lord more in my life, than I have this summer. And suddenly, everything made sense. The timing of my education, the years it took to complete my degree, and the length of time that I was in that season of life because his timing is perfect.
I didn't know it, but He was growing me and preparing me for what was coming in the future. As I look back, I firmly believe that things had to happen the way they did to get me to whereI am today. To get me to bewho I am today. This summer has reminded me that no matter how hard our current season of life is, at some point, it will change. It always changes.
There is a time to struggle, and grow, and learn, but there is also a time to rejoice, and celebrate! The Lord will bring you in and out of seasons according to his plan, and that is most encouraging truth, because it gives us hope. When you are going through rough seasons, and you are really struggling, and it feels like you can't get your head above water, there is still hope. That A) the Lord has you in this season for a reason, wether it's to prepare you, to mold you, to grow you, or to teach you. And really, there's comfort in that. Because it means that you're struggle means something. That He has put you in that season for your benefit, and you may not see it until you're out of it, but you can have hope in the fact that your struggle is not in vain. And B) the season will eventually change
And we can claim this verse, and we pray "Lord, I don't know why you have me in this season, and it's really hard. And it's trying to break my spirit, but I am trusting that you have a plan. And I am going to remain faithful in this struggle, and trust that in your time, you will change the season."
Friends, life is hard, and challenging, but it's those moments that make us appreciate when life is beautiful, and ultimately they are meant to bring us closer to God.
If you are struggling and in a difficult season I would love to pray for you. Write me an email and tell me a little bit about what is going on and I will pray over you.
Hang in there, the season will change.
From my heart to yours!
By loves,
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