Mind: Worthy

          In Philosophy today we were discussing Aristotle's view on reality, and to further illustrate his point on Hylomorphism my prof used the example that every substance is per se, and made up of just a million different per accidens.  He gave us the example of a tree. The tree is per se, it is substantial, but the color of the leaves is per accidens, it is non essential and therefore does not alter the tree in any way. Humans are per se, and everything that is non essential to being a human is per accidens. Our Arms, legs, the number of hairs on our heads are all per accidens. He then said something that caught my attention. He said

"I am a per se, and I weigh 190. I go and I eat a HUGE lunch so now I weigh 195. My weight is per accidens, it does not change who I am. It does not make me less human. "

I sat there in a trance for about ten minutes pondering the truth behind what he had just said. And I came to a realization. We let our weight define us. Period. Just turn on the TV and it is everywhere. Weight loss supplements and programs and fitness DVDs and gym memberships. The focus of our world is on looking a certain way, and that in essence boils down to your weight. Being "fat" is a disgrace and being skin and bones is attractive.

Pitiful. Truly pitiful.
We have been trained to think like this. Trained to be shallow. I know quite a few guys who have said over and over again, "I don't talk to 'big' chicks." How superficial is that? Writing her off because she is not thin. And people wonder why girls these days are bulimic and anorexic.

What happened to personality? That is where true beauty lies. Why not have commercials against bullying, or cursing, of chivalry. We should be focusing on what is inside the package, not how it is wrapped, because some of the most beautifully wrapped packages hide the ugly gift inside.

Your weight does not own you, or define you, or make you any less of a person. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You are strong and beautiful just the way you are. Embrace yourself, Love yourself, and cherish each day your given.

Just Food for Thought!


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