Mind and Soul: Beauty

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?" - Matthew 5:25

I was talking with one of my good friends today and she shared with me that she has been feeling very insecure lately. She is so beautiful that I scoffed at her, but the longer we talked it became evident that this was a serious issue for her. I was dumbfounded; she is thin, has beautiful skin, and looks great in practically anything. I did my best to reassure her that she was, in fact, beautiful but I knew that my words weren't going to change much. Speaking from experience, it doesn't matter how many people tell you that you look great, unless you truly believe it inside, their words won't make a difference. Needless to say it really opened my eyes. The concept of BEAUTY has been warped, and twisted, and in turn has warped and twisted the way women view themselves. Such a tragic truth.

I had this same conversation with my sister-in-law during a time when I was letting other people's opinion of me dictate my self-worth. Her advise was simple: Stop trying to please everyone else, and focus on pleasing the one whose opinion of you truly matters. GOD. And God does not care about outward appearances, he cares about what is on the inside. He cares about your heart.

 So in essence it doesn't matter what we wear, or what size we are, or what other people think of us. We should strive to please God everyday. Notice I didn't say strive for perfection, for perfection is unattainable, but we should strive to be Godly men and women. Then at the end of the day it doesn't matter what they thought about what you were wearing today, or what your weight is, or how your hair was fixed.

It is hard to wrap your head around. I know, but God really does think you are beautiful, and he does not judge based on your clothing choices. The bulk of your energy and time needs to be spent making your INSIDE beautiful.

Just food for thought!


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