Mind and Soul: Acceptance

"Moses raised another objection to God: "Master, please, I don't talk well. I've never been good with words, neither before nor after you spoke to me. I stutter and stammer."" - Exodus 4:10(msg)

Everyone has something about themselves that they don't like, wether it is a facial feature or other part of your body, or maybe even a character trait. And oftentimes it is easy to get carried away thinking about all the reasons why we "hate" that certain part of ourselves. It becomes a ritual. Look in the mirror, see your nose or lips or legs and think, Gosh it is just so big, it makes me look horrendous. Like an infection the negativity sets in quickly, and even starts to spread your focus to other areas of your body, until your crumpled on the floor of your bathroom or closet, crying because you have made up your mind that you are "ugly." 

I read a quote posted on a bulletin board at work the other day. 

"It is easy to be negative, but it takes work to be positive."

How true is that?! How easy is it for you to pick a trait you posses and start pointing out all that's wrong with it? Or compare yourself with the models on magazine covers? Piece of cake! But on the other hand how easy is it for you to look at how amazingly unique and pretty your eyes are? Or allow yourself to feel Hot in that little black dress? One of the Hardest things you'll ever do. instead of looking in the mirror and seeing only the bad, try and find something good.

I was watching the Glee episode yesterday where Will has the student's make t-shirts and put a word or a phrase that represents things they want to change about themselves on the front. They then performed Lady GaGa's Born This Way, proudly displaying all they thought was "wrong" with them. All of the things they had put on their shirts where the things about them that make them different. The things that make them stand out from everybody else. 

I'd be willing to bet that ninety nine percent of the time, the things we want to change are the things that make us unique.  Like green eyes, or porcelain skin, or curves. The things that make us who we are. It's time to EMBRACE them, play them up, and stand out! 

Moses was ready to let his speech problem get in the way of all God had planned for him. He thought it made him weak, and "un-useable" but it didn't. God saw past his speech problem, and he even helped him through it, so that he could fulfill the awesome plan God had for him. 

Don't let your negativity get in the way of living your life. Focus on the positive areas of your life, and trust the amazing God who created you. Now I know there are areas that we all could improve on, but in the process don't loose your confidence. Gain it. You are on your way to achieving your goals! That is something to celebrate! And don't forget to keep that positive energy flowing.

Just Food for Thought!


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