Soul: Crying

Anyone ever notice how after a good rain, the world is suddenly more beautiful. How once the storm finally paces there is this peace? it is as if the Earth needed to cleanse itself, and now it is refreshed and rejuvenated. I love the smell in the air, so clean and crisp. It holds the promise of tomorrow.

Sometimes the storm is mild, other times it is harsh and severe. They are hard to get through. They make even the most trivial tasks seem hard. Like walking to the mailbox, or running errands. Suddenly you have to have  an umbrella with you everywhere you go, or wear a rain coat, or even rain boots. It can make driving hazardous, and can damage pants, and other parts of our houses. They can create a real mess of things, but when they are over the Earth is beautiful again.

In many ways, raining is like crying. Usually we have experienced a traumatic event such as a loss, or a break-up, and it is terribly hard to get through. Never having happy days, not being able to laugh, constantly in need of chocolate and ice cream. The gained weight from lack of exercise and binge eating. Sometimes we turn into zombies just going through the motions. But then at some point the valve opens and we start to cry. And I mean really cry. Lying in bed for hours with a sopping pillow, not able to gain control. That is our storm. The weight of what we are going through has manifested itself, and is finally leaving our bodies.

At some point, either after we have fallen asleep or our eyes hurt, the crying subsides. And we wake up feeling that it is time to move on. That we can begin again. And thus starts the rejuvenation process.

I love a good cry. It is a way for me to expel all of the tension, stress, and pent up emotions from my mind and body. It is my body's way of clearing away all the negative energy.

Have you been feeling overwhelmed and stressed lately? Pop in a movie that really gets you teary-eyed, sit back, and let the water works begin. Then, take a deep breath, and realize that tomorrow is a new day!

Just Food For Thought.


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